Integration Delivered! Access Both Your Private Capital Portfolio and its Holdings in Private i 6.2


Later this summer we will introduce the integration of two of our core products – Private i and Private Informant. Our latest release, Private i 6.2, is a sweeping change in the way we deliver Burgiss Managed Data to you. One login to our browser-based platform now provides you with a view into your private capital portfolio and its holdings, as Burgiss Managed Holdings and Entities from Private Informant are now natively integrated into Private i 6.2.

In addition, the update will include the first set in a suite of holdings Performance and Exposure reports as well as:

  • Integration of Burgiss Managed Holdings and Entities Data – Users of both Private i 6 and Private Informant will be able to view their investments and underlying holdings in one product.
  • Association of Client Managed Investments with Burgiss Managed Assets – Users will have the flexibility to link their investments to the Burgiss Managed Assets, which will further enrich analysis and reporting.
  • Addition of Holdings Reports and Structured Exports – The following reports and structured exports will be introduced: Holding Performance Multiples by Asset, Holding Transactions Structured Export, and Holding Attributes Structured Export.

This update will also set the stage for the introduction of additional reports and structured exports.
